Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Doctors and more doctors....

June 24 2014

I am so grateful that I have such a terrific team of doctors working with me.

Yesterday I met with Dr. Marin (M.D. oncologist) who will be taking care of me after the surgery through the chemo and radiation.   Through him I learned that finally all the tests are back and show that I am a "triple positive" cancer patient.  This means that with some bio-chemical and hormone issues in my body, my cancer is more aggressive.  Estrogen is a key hormone that plays a part in this.   Because of this, that we have to be more aggressive in our treatment.

Essentially the mass that I have now will be easily taken care of through the surgery, chemo, and radiation. I will be cancer free.  However, there will be very close monitoring for some years to ensure that no other cancers develop.   So good to know this and that my doctors are so proactive.

I visited with Dr. Faltimier (M.D. family doctor) today.  She in addition to agreeing with completely with my other two doctors, she let me know that they will be placing a port on by chest under my skin.  This is what it looks like.

This will be used for to hook into the chemo therapy treatments, rather than being stuck over and over again.  It will also be used for another treatment that I'll receive after chemo to ensure that my hormones do not activate cancer again.

My treatment schedule (at this point) looks like this:

  • June 26  Lumpectomy and removal of lymphnodes (4-6); placement of port.  3-4 weeks to recover
  • July 23  See oncologist to begin the chemotherapy process.  I will have chemo once every three weeks for 6 cycles, 18 weeks in total.  So I should be finishing chemo around Thanksgiving. Great!  It will be good to have this behind me just in time for the holidays.
  • December  I will have an Her receptor treatment once every three weeks for a year, to minimize the risk of other cancer.  This to will use the port.
  • I will also begin radiation after chemo, 5 times a week for three weeks.  But the dates aren't known yet.
  • After all of this I will be prescribed Tamoxifin (a pill) to take for the next 5 to 10 years.
  • Finally, I will have scans and doctor appointments to monitor everything cancer related every six months for 5 - 10 years.

This reminds me that this is serious business.  All the same I remain very optimistic and worry free.  God's graces cover me and give me peace  (tho I'm not look forward to any of the pain or sickness).  The doctors encourage me to continue working and living life as usual through it all.  During the chemo I will have good days and bad days, and am told that soon we will see a pattern emerge so that I can be ready for it.

Dr. Faltimier encouraged me today so much.  She asked me to be sure to call her when I am feeling sickly and she will be sure to help me on a same day basis to minimize pain and discomfort.

Not only do I have a great team of medical professionals,  I am abundantly grateful for the love and support of my husband and children, and the prayers from my family and friends all over the country.  This sustains me and helps me to be strong.   THANKS and HUGS to everyone!