Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wow How time has flown!

Hi all:

I can't believe that it has been weeks since I've added to this blog. One thing about being in chemo is that time looses any meaning.  It is strange and frustrating.

Well, I've had 5 chemo treatments in the last eight weeks.  Since August 21, I've been receiving my treatments each week on Thursday from 9:00 am to noon.  I learned this last week I have 10 more to go -- ugh!  So chemo ends the early November. Side effects are varied.  Chemo brain is where I forget things easily or don't quite remember things right.  Numbness in my fingers continues so I'm clumsy, fatigue, off sleep and eating patterns.   But I can't complain, as it is just for a little while and will pass.

After this chemo, I get about 4 weeks with nothing -- yeah can't wait!  Then radiation everyday (M-F) for 3 weeks.  After that a continuation of a very mild chemo (Herceptin) that they say has no side effects for a year.  And then... a medication that I'll just take for 5 years.

Breast cancer is the most curable cancer, and I have about 95% cure rate -- meaning it won't come back.  So in the long run, all of this worth doing, for sure.

I miss having a regular life tho.  Sleep patterns and appetitie are off in strange ways.  Sleeping I can do at the drop of a hat.  So I have to work on keeping a schedule.  Yet some days are just bad days, I don't feel well and sleep most of the day, then night time is tough.  I am often hungry but nothing tastes good.  Chris has taken me out to dinner a few times, but I just can't seem to finish a meal.

My food of choice is watermelon -- I eat bowls of that each day.  It tastes good, easy on my stomach and helps keeps me hydrated. But protein is the most important thing I'm suppose to each -- so we try different things and I do the best I can.  Soups have also been a big help with lots of crackers.  Nausea and heartburn are a recurring concern.

I rarely leave the house.  My sweet girls attend mass and pray for me.  I miss going, but often just don't have the strength.  I'm on a little walking program to keep me going and do light house work.  Chris and the girls do a great job of making sure things get done and meals are made for the most part.  Sometimes they go out to eat without me -- which I'm happy because I don't want them to do without because of cancer.

I am working full time --- by the grace of God it is all at home.  As a full time professor, I've been given all online classes this semester.  So I manage it in bits as I can through the week.  So far so good.

Updates:  Catherine is doing fantastic!  She is driving and has a job at Starbucks.  She is planning to begin college in January.  Christina is doing Marvelous!  She is a sophmore this year, happy to be back at school, and is very conscientious about her  schoolwork and home responsibilities.  Chris is Fabulous!  He does all he can to meet my needs and take care of everyone.  His work keeps him very busy too.  Yet he manages to keep me first priority -- every doctors appointment, every time I need something -- he is there.

Though I haven't seen him in weeks, Steve - the girls' father is doing better.  He is still in the hospital, but I'm told he will be moved to rehabilitation this week.

I hope this note finds you doing well and feeling the love in Lord each day.  Thanks so much for your cards and emails.  I know you are praying. All of this gives me great strength to get through this and continue with daily necessities.   I apologize if I have not reached out to you lately, I simply lose time and focus.  Please do contine to email or comment here.

Praying for you with gratitude.